8 research outputs found

    Speech Signals Feature Extraction Model for a Speaker’s Gender and Age Identification System

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    Durante el proceso de producción de voz, los factores anatómicos, fisiológicos o psicosociales del individuo modifican los órganos resonadores, imprimiendo en la voz características particulares. Los sistemas ASR tratan de encontrar los matices característicos de una voz y asociarlos a un individuo o grupo. La edad y sexo de un hablante son factores intrínsecos que están presentes en la voz. Este trabajo intenta diferenciar esas características, aislarlas y usarlas para detectar el género y la edad de un hablante. Para dicho fin, se ha realizado el estudio y análisis de las características basadas en el pulso glótico y el tracto vocal, evitando usar técnicas clásicas (como pitch y sus derivados) debido a las restricciones propias de dichas técnicas. Los resultados finales de nuestro estudio alcanzan casi un 100% en reconocimiento de género mientras en la tarea de reconocimiento de edad el reconocimiento se encuentra alrededor del 80%. Parece ser que la voz queda afectada por el género del hablante y las hormonas, aunque no se aprecie en la audición. ABSTRACT Particular elements of the voice are printed during the speech production process and are related to anatomical and physiological factors of the phonatory system or psychosocial factors acquired by the speaker. ASR systems attempt to find those peculiar nuances of a voice and associate them to an individual or a group. Age and gender are inherent factors to the speaker which may be represented in voice. This work attempts to differentiate those characteristics, isolate them and use them to detect speaker’s gender and age. Features based on glottal pulse and vocal tract are studied and analyzed in order to achieve good results in both tasks. Classical methodologies (such as pitch and derivates) are avoided since the requirements of those techniques may be too restrictive. The final scores achieve almost 100% in gender recognition whereas in age recognition those scores are around 80%. Factors related to the gender and hormones seem to affect the voice although they are not audible

    Relevance of the glottal pulse and the vocal tract in gender detection

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    Gender detection is a very important objective to improve efficiency in tasks as speech or speaker recognition, among others. Traditionally gender detection has been focused on fundamental frequency (f0) and cepstral features derived from voiced segments of speech. The methodology presented here consists in obtaining uncorrelated glottal and vocal tract components which are parameterized as mel-frequency coefficients. K-fold and cross-validation using QDA and GMM classifiers showed that better detection rates are reached when glottal source and vocal tract parameters are used in a gender-balanced database of running speech from 340 speakers

    Glottal Parameter Estimation by Wavelet Transform for Voice Biometry

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    Voice biometry is classically based on the parameterization and patterning of speech features mainly. The present approach is based on the characterization of phonation features instead (glottal features). The intention is to reduce intra-speaker variability due to the `text'. Through the study of larynx biomechanics it may be seen that the glottal correlates constitute a family of 2-nd order gaussian wavelets. The methodology relies in the extraction of glottal correlates (the glottal source) which are parameterized using wavelet techniques. Classification and pattern matching was carried out using Gaussian Mixture Models. Data of speakers from a balanced database and NIST SRE HASR2 were used in verification experiments. Preliminary results are given and discussed

    Monitoring Neurological disease in Phonation

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    It is well known that many neurological diseases leave a fingerprint in voice and speech production. The dramatic impact of these pathologies in life quality is a growing concert. Many techniques have been designed for the detection, diagnose and monitoring the neurological disease. Most of them are costly or difficult to extend to primary services. The present paper shows that some neurological diseases can be traced a the level of voice production. The detection procedure would be based on a simple voice test. The availability of advanced tools and methodologies to monitor the organic pathology of voice would facilitate the implantation of these tests. The paper hypothesizes some of the underlying mechanisms affecting the production of voice and presents a general description of the methodological foundations for the voice analysis system which can estimate correlates to the neurological disease. A case of study is presented from spasmodic dysphonia to illustrate the possibilities of the methodology to monitor other neurological problems as well

    Estimating tremor in Vocal Fold Biomechanics for Neurological Disease characterisation

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    Neurological Diseases (ND) are affecting larger segments of aging population every year. Treatment is dependent on expensive accurate and frequent monitoring. It is well known that ND leave correlates in speech and phonation. The present work shows a method to detect alterations in vocal fold tension during phonation. These may appear either as hypertension or as cyclical tremor. Estimations of tremor may be produced by auto-regressive modeling of the vocal fold tension series in sustained phonation. The correlates obtained are a set of cyclicality coefficients, the frequency and the root mean square amplitude of the tremor. Statistical distributions of these correlates obtained from a set of male and female subjects are presented. Results from five study cases of female voice are also given

    Wavelet description of the Glottal Gap

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    The Glottal Source correlates reconstructed from the phonated parts of voice may render interesting information with applicability in different fields. One of them is defective closure (gap) detection. Through the paper the background to explain the physical foundations of defective gap are reviewed. A possible method to estimate defective gap is also presented based on a Wavelet Description of the Glottal Source. The method is validated using results from the analysis of a gender-balanced speakers database. Normative values for the different parameters estimated are given. A set of study cases with deficient glottal closure is presented and discussed

    Classical vs. biometric features in the 2013 speaker recognition evaluation in mobile environments

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    MFCC coefficients extracted from the power spectral density of speech as a whole, seems to have become the de facto standard in the area of speaker recognition, as demonstrated by its use in almost all systems submitted to the 2013 Speaker Recognition Evaluation (SRE) in Mobile Environment [1], thus relegating to background this component of the recognition systems. However, in this article we will show that selecting the adequate speaker characterization system is as important as the selection of the classifier. To accomplish this we will compare the recognition rates achieved by different recognition systems that relies on the same classifier (GMM-UBM) but connected with different feature extraction systems (based on both classical and biometric parameters). As a result we will show that a gender dependent biometric parameterization with a simple recognition system based on GMM- UBM paradigm provides very competitive or even better recognition rates when compared to more complex classification systems based on classical feature